viernes, noviembre 23, 2012

Turner:El pintor de la luz

Joseph Mallord William Turner, pintor inglés, (Covent Garden, Londres, 23 de Abril de 1775-Chelsea, Londres, 19 de Diciembre de 1851). Formado artísticamente en la Real Academia (Royal Academy) londinense, donde ingresa con tan sólo catorce años de edad (1789-1793) y de la que con posterioridad sería profesor de perspectiva (1807) e incluso su presidente (1845). Viajero por parte de Europa, descubrió las tierras de Irlanda, Suiza o Escocia, concediendo a sus pinturas un cierto carácter cosmopolita. Grabador y acuarelista en sus años de juventud, no dirige su carrera hacia la pintura al óleo hasta finales del siglo XVIII (1796). Cuidadoso y selecto, su estilo es resultado constante de su propia evolución que parte del gusto por un cromatismo apagado y centrado en las formas hasta llegar a la predilección declarada por los tonos vivos, los efectos de la luz y un escaso interés por los objetos (El color sobrepasa al trazo). De hecho, su peculiar visión lo convierte en una de las fuentes del futuro impresionismo y en un autor de cabecera para entre otros: Claude MonetAlfred Sisley oCamille Pissarro. En este sentido, otras voces sitúan su obra no como germen del citado impresionismo, sino más bien, como una continuación de la tradición holandesa del siglo XVII o del preromanticismo inglés del siglo XVIII. No obstante, más allá de esta polémica, su cuantioso legado (200000 trabajos) junto a la portentosa temática de sus lienzos forjada en la tradición romántica, nos ofrece paisajes donde el transcendente sentido otorgado a la naturaleza, la atmósfera y el mar así como su delicado tratamiento de la luz crepuscular ponen de manifiesto las virtudes de un artista único y sensacional.

Navíos virando para echar el ancla, marina Egremont, 1802

El muelle de Calais, 1803.

El puente del diablo de San Gotardo, 1804.

Naufragio, 1805.

Sol naciente en la bruma, 1807.

La batalla de Trafalgar vista desde las jarcias del palo de la mesana del Victory, 1808.

La bahía de Baia con Apolo y Silbina, 1823.

Residencia de William Moffat, tarde de verano, 1827.

Régulo, 1827.

Venecia desde el pórtico de la iglesia de Salute, 1835.

El valeroso Temeraire remolcando a su último fondeadero, 1838.

Sombras y tinieblas, la tarde del diluvio, 1843.

Boyas para señalar un naufragio, 1845.

Turner ,lluvia, vapor y velocidad

J.M. William Turner, Lluvia, vapor y velocidad, (1844):
Turner se recrea enmostrarnos los efectos que los objetos nos causan más allá de su merarepresentación. Para ello Turner no utiliza símbolos o imágenes metafísicas comoFriedrich sino que se vale de lapropia pintura y de sulenguaje: la luz y el color. Paraproducir en el espectador elefecto atmosférico natural dela lluvia mezclada con elvapor industrial y el de lavelocidad, Turner utiliza latécnica abocetada a base demanchas de color, mediantela cual suprime los objetosprácticamente. Esta obra yaevidencia el desbordamiento de la pintura del espacio del estudio, mediante lacreación de una atmosfera pictórica proveniente del contacto con la realidad en
este caso mediante bocetos previos al trabajo en estudio. Pero la creaciónatmosférica no es lo único novedoso en este cuadro que se inserta en la polémicaluddista y tecnócrata de la época, en un ejercicio que no sabemos si alaba labelleza natural, la industrial o ambas

Turner oil painters

John Mallord William Turner was one of the finest landscape artists was, his work was exhibited when he was still a teenager. His entire life was devoted to his art. Unlike many artists of his era, he was successful throughout his career.
Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in England. His father was a barber, his mother died when he was very young. The boy received little schooling. His father taught him how to read, but this was the extent of his education except for the study of art. By the age of 13 he was making drawings at home and exhibiting them in his father's shop window for sale.
Turner was 15 years old when he received a rare honor, one of his oil paintings was exhibited at the Royal Academy. By the time he was 18 he had his own art studio. Before he was 20, print sellers were eagerly buying his drawings for reproduction. He quickly achieved a fine reputation and was elected an associate of the Royal Academy. In 1802, when he was only 27, Turner became a full member. He then began traveling widely in Europe. Venice was the inspiration of some of Turner's finest work. Wherever he visited, he studied the effects of sea and sky in every kind of weather. His early training had been as a topographic draftsman. With the years, he developed a painting technique all his own. Instead of merely recording factually what he saw, Turner translated scenes into a light-filled expression of his own romantic feelings. Subjects that lent themselves to dramatic effect particularly fascinated Turner. Like Caspar David Friedrich, he loved Gothic cathedrals and he also painted numerous watercolors of them early in his career. Traveling through mountains, he recorded the chasms and waterfalls that were both beautiful and dangerous. He had a lifelong passion for the sea and for rivers. It is not surprising that his favorite foreign city was Venice, the ultimate fusion of water and civilization, where he made countless sketches on his visits in 1819 and again in 1828. During the 1830s and 1840s Turner developed his mature vision, in which the forces of nature and history were given grandiose expression in his seascape and landscape oil paintings.
As he grew older and despite his success, he was a recluse, secretive, short (in both stature and speech), and uninterested in society. Rumpled in dress, Turner became an eccentric. Except for his father, with whom he lived for 30 years, he had no close friends. He allowed no one to watch him while he painted. He gave up attending the meetings of the academy. None of his acquaintances saw him for months at a time. Turner continued to travel but always alone. He still held exhibitions, but he usually refused to sell his paintings. When he was persuaded to sell one, he was dejected for days. His handling of paint by 1844 had become purely personal and intuitive. Scraped, brushed and smeared, its purpose was to create sweeping movements and general atmospheres, to imply, rather than describe, both setting and details. Specific forms occasionally loom out of the organic, pulsing stretches of paint, giving context and reference points to the overall blots of color.
In 1850 he exhibited for the last time. One day Turner disappeared from his house. His housekeeper, searching for many months, found him hiding in a house in Chelsea. He had been ill for a long time. He died the next day. Turner left a large fortune that he hoped would be used to support what he called "decaying artists." His collection of paintings was bequeathed to his country. At his request he was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. Although known for his oil paintings, Turner is regarded also as one of the founders of English watercolor landscape painting.
Some of his most famous oil paintings are Rain, Steam and SpeedThe Fighting Temeraire and The Grand Canal, Venice. Joseph Mallord William Turner was precocious, brilliant, and successful. To modern eyes, looking back over the last hundred years, when painters removed all subject except the paint, Turner's work is not only great, but way ahead of its time, inspiring many future world artists.
John Mallord William Turner, Rain, Steam and Speed
John Mallord William Turner, The Fighting Temeraire
John Mallord William Turner, The Grand Canal, Venice
Rain, Steam and Speed
The Fighting TemeraireThe Grand Canal, Venice

J.M.William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner

200px-Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner_auto-retratoJoseph Mallord William Turner est un peintreaquarelliste etgraveur britannique, né le 23 avril 1775 à Londres et mort le19décembre 1851 à Chelsea. Initialement de la veine romantique anglaise, son œuvre est marquée par une recherche novatrice audacieuse qui fait considérer celui que l'on surnomme le « peintre de la lumière » comme un précurseur de l'impressionnisme, avec son contemporain John Constable.
Né à Covent Garden à Londres en 1775, William Turner est le fils d'un barbier et fabricant de perruques, William Gay Turner. Sa mère, Mary Marshall, perd progressivement la raison, probablement à cause du décès de la jeune sœur de William, Helen, morte en 1786. Elle mourra d'ailleurs dans un asile en 1804.
Le jeune Turner est envoyé en 1785 chez un de ses oncles maternels à Brentford, petite ville à l'ouest de Londres, sur les rives de la Tamise. C'est là que son intérêt pour la peinture s'éveille. Un an plus tard, il se rend à l'école à Margate, dans le Kent, à l'estuaire de la Tamise. À partir de cette époque, il commence à produire des dessins que son père expose à la vitrine de son commerce.
Il a seulement 14 ans lorsqu'il entre à l'école de la Royal Academy of Arts (11 décembre 1789) puis est admis à la Royal Academy elle-même un an plus tard. Turner marque un vif intérêt pour l'architecture, suivant notamment des cours de perspective et de topographie avec le dessinateur en architecture Thomas Malton, avant que l'architecte Thomas Hardwick ne lui conseille de persévérer dans la peinture. Une première aquarelle de Turner est acceptée à l'exposition d'été de la Royal Academy alors qu'il n'y est élève que depuis un an.
Il subit l'influence d'artistes tels que Guillaume Van de VeldeAelbert CuypJohn Robert Cozens,WilsonClaude Gellée dit Claude le Lorrain ou encore Nicolas Poussin. Il est remarqué par un amateur d'art de l'époque qui lui permet de rencontrer divers artistes comme Thomas Girtin avec qui il se liera d'amitié. Il travaille d'abord la gravure.

Sources, Wikipédia

Quelques oeuvres du peintre
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One of my Favorite artist — J.M.William Turner

The most recent 007 skyfall movie received very high rating among my friends, however, the most exciting scene I can recall after the movie is the artwork of my favorite artist J.M.William Turner.
He is a remarkable pioneer artist for impressionism, but many people does not know him.( except Europe probably) If you are not into art, seldom go to art museum or galleries, it is really difficult to know who  William Turner is since all the knowledge about famous artists are from mass media. Artist such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Picaso, Andy Warhol are well known artists to general public because many products use their work on the packaging. The downside about this is when we physically looking at their actual work, we are not as impressive.
If the reason we like Leonardo Da Vinci is due to the fact that he is a genius, then the reason I like J.M.William Turner is simply first sight love. His romantic with impressionism style easily attract female viewers. So, tough guy like James Bond can only see a boat in the picture.

The Fighting Temeraire, 1839

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